The Creative Enterprise programme is aimed at helping creative businesses interested in narrative experiences on the screen (Film, Animation, VR, Games etc.) A major strand of what we are currently offering is mentoring to eligible companies interested in expanding their business. Creative Enterprise will pay up to £2,500 to subsidies the cost of working with an expert to provide advice or support to your company. Mentoring guidelines can be found here.
A business mentor can make a big difference for a games company, giving them advice that would complement what already know. From an investor point of view, a Director having had a mentor can elevate a studios knowledge which would lead to a larger recoup on investment – which would make any applications for funding more likely to be successful. From a wider point of view, having a mentor with specific knowledge in something a studio may be less experienced in – from marketing to legal – can plug any holes that may exist and put you ahead of competition.
Here is a small selection of our mentors – we have other mentors from a diverse range of backgrounds, but these are to give you an idea of the range of skills available:
The important part in the mentoring we are offering is identifying the right mentor for you. Myself and the wider Creative Enterprise team have a good roster of industry talent based all around the country, but we encourage applicants to identify individuals they would be interested in being mentored by.
Other organisations, such as Women in Games and UKIE have offered mentoring services before and we are working with them in order to make the best of what we can offer. There are also other mentoring programmes available, some with a games specialism, others more general business, so if you run such a programme or are interested in becoming a mentor yourself, please get in touch.
If you would like to talk to me more about the mentoring we offer or anything else, I’ll be at Develop from the afternoon of Tuesday 10th until later on Thursday 12th. If you would like to book a meeting with me you can use the Meet@Develop platform – alternatively you can e-mail me on sam.rushton@creativeengland.co.uk and we’ll sort something out. Or just grab me in the bar area.