We are Creative UK

The independent network for the UK’s Creative Industries

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Here for those who dare to imagine.

We believe in the power of creativity and the creative industries to change lives, placing creativity at the heart of the UK’s culture, economy and education system. Our goal is simple: to cultivate a world where creativity is championed, valued, and fundamentally nurtured.

We unite the creative industries and generate opportunities for innovation to thrive by investing in creative people and businesses. We’re here to harness the power of the creative sector to build a stronger, fairer, and more prosperous future. 

Our Values

  • We join the dots – collaboration is in our DNA
  • We support and empower – we’re here to accelerate change
  • We are curious, open and honest – our knowledge is for sharing
  • We celebrate difference – respecting the humanity and creativity in everyone

Our Priorities

  • People – We believe in igniting every person’s creative potential
  • Place – We believe creativity can regenerate our towns, cities and rural areas
  • Planet – We believe creativity will design a greener future for everyone

Our Strategic Objectives

  • To build an inclusive, diverse workforce and ecosystem
  • To enable creative talent and businesses to thrive across the whole of the UK
  • To use our insight and evidence to champion the creative sector and help it thrive


Join our Creative UK membership.

Join our network and join an organisation that leads on Policy and Engagement for the creative sector, with a £35 million investment fund tailored for creative businesses, plus a plethora of regional and sector-specific business support opportunities in place across the breadth of the country.

Sign Up

We join the dots - collaboration is in our DNA.

We join the dots - collaboration is in our DNA.

We bring creative people together, from all disciplines, turning up the volume on their voices, providing a platform for their creative ideas and projects, and ultimately empowering them to amplify themselves. We forge connections; building and growing as a group is our superpower.

We support and empower - we’re here to accelerate change.

We support and empower - we’re here to accelerate change.

We recognise and embrace growth, industry shifts, and learning, always pushing forward with conviction. We’re on a journey to rear a new era of creative communities across the UK, built on rock-solid foundations of inspiration, camaraderie, and collaboration. We’re taking the future into our own hands – one that evolves the Creative Industries and transforms lives.

We are curious, open and honest - our knowledge is for sharing.

We are curious, open and honest - our knowledge is for sharing.

We represent a broad industry of myriad skills and talent, made up of diverse individuals from all walks of life. We build strong and supportive communities where ideas can flow freely. We seek out new talent, new ideas, and new ways of doing things, consistently challenging the status quo – just like the creative sector we stand for.

We celebrate difference - respecting the humanity and creativity in everyone.

We celebrate difference - respecting the humanity and creativity in everyone.

Fierce representation matters, which is why we seek out diverse voices and stories, as these narratives are integral to the development of our collective work. We know that we’re working on an uneven playing field and we’re here to drive movement towards wider diversity and inclusivity. We all have a part to play in pushing the boundaries of the creative sector.