Throughout the afternoon we’ll be hearing from founders, facilitators and participants, looking at our activity across the year, hearing about the impacts of engagements for individuals and businesses, and looking ahead to our 2021-22 programme.
Keynote Speakers from across the creative sector will be sharing their ideas about what’s instore for our industry and what we need to do to support the development
Programme Participants from each of our programme strands will be sharing their experiences
Facilitators and Partners will be discussing the impact and importance of offering support to all levels and sectors of industry
Showcase Booths will be available where you can view and connect with our cohort
New Connections can be made using the Networking, Direct Messaging, 121 Video Calls and Meeting functions of the platform
Meet the Team if you’re interested in applying for one of our programmes, or would just like to find out more, our Creative Enterprise team will be on hand to answer your questions. We’ll be following the showcase with additional drop-in clinics for each of the strands where you can chat directly to the team.
Sign up for your free ticket here.