Autumn Budget 2024 – Creative UK’s Written Submission to HM Treasury

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Autumn Budget 2024 – Creative UK’s Written Submission to HM Treasury

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The Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI) are a cornerstone of the UK’s economy and cultural landscape, driving significant economic growth, regional development and social cohesion. Within this critical phase of HM Treasury considerations in shaping the UK Government’s forthcoming decisions, it is essential for HM Treasury to recognise the unique value and potential of this vibrant sector by developing and implementing fiscal policy which truly drives inclusive, sustainable growth. The CCI contribute £125 billion to the economy annually and support over 2 million jobs, many of which are in high-value, skilled roles. Furthermore, the creative sector plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation, attracting international investment, and enhancing the UK’s global cultural presence and soft power.

To fully leverage opportunity and benefit, it is imperative that the CCI thrive as a priority growth area within the new Industrial Strategy and are enabled accordingly. Addressing the needs and opportunities of this sector will enhance its growth trajectory and contribute to broader national economic resilience and regional equity.

This submission sets out key positions and rationale for a range of interventions to drive inclusive growth across the cultural and creative industries, including:

  • Strengthening the investment framework to better leverage public and private investment;
  • Research and development;
  • Fiscal policy such as tax credits;
  • Labour market including skills, apprenticeships and freelancers; and
  • Regional development and local investment.

To read the full submission and its recommendations, click below.

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