Applications have re-opened for Creative Enterprise: Evolve, Creative England’s investment readiness programme. We catch-up with some of the screen businesses supported last year. First up, we’ve had the privilege of speaking to Treehouse Digital, an award winning independent Film & Television production studio established in 2016 and based in Bournemouth on the South Coast. They deliver projects (both commissions and original IP) from inception of idea right through to final delivery, working with UK and International entertainment partners and building its awesome team of artists and collaborators. Everyone in the Treehouse is committed to delivering the highest quality content and are passionate about telling stories.
How did Creative England offer support through the Evolve programme?
The Evolve programme gave us the unique opportunity to step back from the day to day running of our business and refocus on our mission and the reason we all came together to create our company.
The initial panel sessions are supported by guidance to help shape your investment deck and the ongoing mentoring provided an invaluable external perspective that refined our goals and creative ambitions.
Were there any stand-out moments during your time on the programme? / What was the most valuable element of the programme for you?
The first live pitch session was an exciting and nerve wracking experience but we received a great response and were assured that our delivery was informative, effective and honest. These pitch sessions led to further external discussions and relationships following the event which continue to be invaluable to our business.
We also found that the assignment of our business mentor was an incredible opportunity. This support provided an external perspective on our business and a reminder of how passionate, and successful, we are as a creative team. Our mentor was a sound board but also someone else to answer to other than ourselves. This really helps you to remain on track and constantly question whether what you are doing is in line with what you are aiming for. By the time you’re nearing the end of the programme we found ourselves naturally raising questions and challenges that we might previously have (subconsciously) chosen to skim over.
What advice would you give to companies who are applying for the programme?
Jump in with both feet and be prepared to really explore your company, its ideas and its mission. Put in the hours and continually review where you are, the support mechanism is great if you’re up for it!
How has Evolve enabled you to get to the stage you’re at currently as a company?
The preparation process for initial investment pitching made us take a really good inward look at the business, our mission and our unique skillset. We kept questioning/challenging what we were aiming for until we couldn’t break the plan anymore, that’s when we reached the point where we were able to really focus on delivering that message armed with all the answers anyone else could possibly throw at us, including all the financial/strategy detail and not just the creative stuff! It’s easy to get distracted in this industry – as I’m sure you’ll agree – but this program has improved our focus and our ambition ten fold!
Since developing our investment deck and pitch via the Evolve program we have been awarded an Epic Games MegaGrant and further crucial investment from Creative England via their New Ideas Fund to launch our plan!
We are now leaps and bounds further into the journey of achieving our overall mission and are preparing to offer some incredibly exciting opportunities within the industry.
What’s next for Treehouse Digital?
At Treehouse Digital we’re super excited to announce our upcoming ‘D-Stage’! A Virtual Production Studio supported by Epic Games, Creative England and our LED partners iMAG Displays.
We’ve already lined up a slate of green-lit shows to run through the studio and have some real interest in the commercial sector too.
Off the back of being laser focused on driving the business forward in this direction we’ve gained the right attention from within the Entertainment industry and we’re continuing to deliver industry talks and presentations about VP on the international circuit. Look out for more information at ‘Epic Games Unreal Fest Online’ highlights, ‘VES London’, ‘The Production Guild’ and ‘Picture This 20’ in Copenhagen.
Find out more about Treehouse Digital here.
Find out more about Creative Enterprise: Evolve here.