Creative UK has launched a Create Diversity EDI hub as a positive response to worsening diversity and inclusion in creative sector organisations. With research showing that representation of working-class people in Creative Industries is at its lowest level since the 1970s, the Create Diversity initiative aims to shine a light on the value of acting in pursuit of greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the creative and cultural sector.
As the membership organisation for the Creative Industries, Creative UK is committed to improving diversity and inclusion across the sector and with this first-of-its-kind resource, will amplify examples of effective EDI practice. More than 40 case studies have been drawn from across the creative sector, with organisations including SKY, The V&A Museum and The PRS Foundation. These case studies, open to all on Creative UK’s website, highlight how diversity creates better ideas, better content, better business performance, and better staff engagement and retention.
The Create Diversity campaign will span a full year and aims to inspire the sector to actively support those from under-represented backgrounds to take up space in the creative sector by taking action to expand, or begin, EDI initiatives.
Sarah Gregory, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion commented:
“At a time when there is widespread social discourse, a shift to the right in politics, and a turning away from the value of EDI programmes across the corporate and political world, it has never been more important to shine a light on the benefits and value of acting in pursuit of greater equality, diversity and inclusion in the creative and cultural sector and how the sector is already making purposeful strides towards an industry where everyone is included, belongs and is treated with dignity.
“Create Diversity is a timely hub of ideas, learning and inspiration that aims to encourage organisations across the creative and cultural sector to embark on or deepen their own equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) journey so that together, we grow the diversity of our thought, output, reach, and engagement, maximising the economic and social impact this brings.”
Ali Jafarey, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, The Victoria & Albert Museum commented:
“The V&A aims to become a truly open, tolerant and diverse organisation: a place where everyone feels welcome and we recognise this means doing more to foster an inclusive culture, both for our people and our visitors.
“In 2022 we developed a comprehensive 3-year, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategy covering all functions of the organisation, spanning three broad areas: People, Programmes and Place, each supported by specific key strategic objectives.
“We are entering an exciting period of growth, with the opening of three new sites and I am confident about the progress we have made. The V&A is proud to share this good work as an exemplar for Creative UK’s Create Diversity resource.”
Sharon Lloyd Barnes, Commercial Director, Advertising Association also commented:
“Working towards an inclusive workforce and ensuring the ads we make authentically represent the society we serve is vital to the Advertising Association and the whole UK advertising industry. The All In initiative leads with a census-style survey every two years and an industry action plan, as well as a directory of resources and best practice to support and inspire the agencies, advertisers, media and tech companies that make up the sector. We are supporting the launch of Creative UK’s Create Diversity resource to help the sector learn from our experiences.”
PRS Foundation commented:
“One of the core strengths of the UK’s cultural output is driven by the diversity of the talent based here. At PRS Foundation we see time and again that when we tackle the barriers to talent development and career progression through our targeted initiatives such as POWER UP, Keychange and Women Make Music, that no matter what someone’s background, gender, ethnicity, where they are based in the UK or disability, the positive cultural, economic and societal impacts are significant. We believe that all talent should have the opportunity to reach its potential and in these challenging times, targeted action, collaboration and sharing good practice and information such as the Create Diversity resource is more important than ever.”